Sketch Book 17 | Mostly Camberwell | 1960s

This set of images is from a scrapbook of sketches and drawings labelled ‘Richard Eurich, mostly Camberwell School of Art etc.1960+'. They are mainly figure studies done when Richard was teaching at Camberwell, mixed in with sketched portraits, landscapes and seascapes, mainly from the 1960s and one from 1922.

Richard taught at Camberwell part-time through the 50s and 60s. Some of his students remarked that although they valued his comments, he did not seem to do much actual teaching.  These sketches may account for at least some of what he was doing during his days there!

There are many figure studies, but he also records the context of the studio and students working. He sketches the curve of a single bar electric fire, the view from the window and a few are touched with his quiet humour.

Richard said he learned a lot at Camberwell. Hearing the aspirations of the students and seeing their direction may have reflected back into his own outlook.

Sketch_17-111 Camberwell studio electric fire and easels (1960s)

A pencil drawing here, with that wonderful electric stove. Here he is stepping back and looking at the spaces between objects for their abstract interest. It feels more modernist to me than most of his sketches. [PB]

Sketch_17-053 Camberwell dotted figures (1960s)

This drawing caught my eye because of the dots. It is interesting how he switched from using a pencil to a biro or pen which encouraged a different approach. Here it is as if he is testing out how far his shorthand can go and still be a recognisable representation. It reminds me of kids’ puzzle books and ‘Join up the Dots’. Click on the image and then again to zoom in. [PB]

Sketch_17-116 V&A Ceramics (18th May 1965)

Taking time out to go to the V&A here with another pencil drawing. This is just amazing to me, trying to imagine doing this myself! The organisation of the display cases with their contents so eloquently hinted at and the strong perspective focussed on the figure in the doorway (and the continuing parade of doorways) is unerring. He has even drawn the electric socket in the far wall! [PB]

120 works in this theme: