Hands behind Head

This at first unremarkable posture gradually made itself insistent enough to be included as a motif in itself. Seen together, some of these pictures have a slightly unsettling effect like the tolling of a bell.

The Shadow (1976)

This figure’s hands are actually in front of his head as he shades his eyes from the direct sun. The sun casts his shadow strangely onto the sky just above the horizon of the sea.

Evening (1980)

The figures here are elongated and the man with his hands behind his head suggests a cruciform image.

Morning, The Bedroom (1983)

The morning stretch seems to have elongated the figure of this man. There is something untypically bold and 'modern' about this picture with perhaps a reference to Rouault whose work Dad greatly admired. (The four-poster bed is recognisable as the one that Dad made). [PB]

15 works in this theme: