Boy in Indian Head-dress

Boy in Indian Head-dress


Oil on canvas
50.8 x 40.6 cm

Unknown collection (see timeline)

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Aka: Boy in Indian Head-dress [RE sales diary]; Boy in Indian Headdress

boy hats males portrait

"He [CL Stocks] bought the Screen painting at the offer of £10, for which I was truly thankful. I don’t quite know why he is so keen on the said Screen, because I am not. He also bought the Boy with Indian Head-dress for £8 which I am getting framed. It was exhibited at the London Group early this year. So now I shall be able to pay for the framing of the drawings thank goodness!"

Re Diary

The London Group held two exhibitions in 1929, the first in January and the second in October through to mid November. We have seen the January catalogue for 26th exhibition. There is no reference to Boy with Indian Head-dress, only to Study for Portrait Decoration and Betty and Paul. We have not seen the catalogue for the 27th Exhibition so cannot know for sure if Boy with Indian Head-dress is listed there.



"London Group" - [venue unknown]

Richard's recollection that this work was shown in a London Group exhibition prior to December 1929 may not be correct. More research is required.


sold by Richard directly to C L Stocks for £9 [RE sales diary entry 13]


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • ACQUIRED - 1929 - sold by Richard directly to C L Stocks for £9 [RE sales diary entry 13]


  • 1929 - "London Group", [venue unknown]
    Richard's recollection that this work was shown in a London Group exhibition prior to December 1929 may not be correct. More research is required.


  • None recorded.


Indian Soldier (c1929)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings

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