The Red Beret (1920s/early '30s)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings

The Red Beret

1920s/early '30s

Oil on board
16 x 13 cm

Estate Collection

More details...

Recto: Not signed or dated

Aka: The Red Beret [Redfern]; The Red Girl in a Red Beret [REP]

Cat: REP0230

beret blonde female hair hat women woman female


EXHIBITED | 28th Feb to 30th Mar 1935

"Richard Eurich" - Redfern Gallery, London

Cat 7; priced at 15 Guineas

NOTE | [unknown date]

RE had works in two Redfern shows in 1935. We are not sure if we have attributed this to the correct one.

EXHIBITED | 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013

"A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich" - The First Gallery, Southampton

Cat 18


Estate Collection


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 2018 - Estate Collection


  • 28th Feb to 30th Mar 1935 - "Richard Eurich", Redfern Gallery, London
    Cat 7; priced at 15 Guineas
  • 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013 - "A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich", The First Gallery, Southampton
    Cat 18


  • [unknown date] - NOTE
    RE had works in two Redfern shows in 1935. We are not sure if we have attributed this to the correct one.

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