Nativity (c1928)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings



Richard did two other nativities, both in the late 1940s - Strange Nativity (1948) and the large, also strange, A Nativity (1949) set on a farm.



Estate Collection

EXHIBITED | 14th Mar to 8th Apr 1983

"Eurich at 80, Early Drawings and Recent Paintings" - The Fine Art Society, London    (toured to The Manor House Museum and Gallery, Ilkley, Yorkshire)

Cat 10

EXHIBITED | 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013

"A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich" - The First Gallery, Southampton

Cat 50

EXHIBITED | 22nd to 26th Jan 2020

"Waterhouse & Dodd, London Art Fair" - Business Design Centre, Islington, London

EXHIBITED | 21st Sep to 3rd Oct 2020

"The Art of Richard Eurich" - Waterhouse & Dodd, London

WITH | 2021 to 2022

Waterhouse & Dodd


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 1928 - Estate Collection


  • 14th Mar to 8th Apr 1983 - "Eurich at 80, Early Drawings and Recent Paintings", The Fine Art Society, London    (toured to The Manor House Museum and Gallery, Ilkley, Yorkshire)
    Cat 10
  • 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013 - "A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich", The First Gallery, Southampton
    Cat 50
  • 22nd to 26th Jan 2020 - "Waterhouse & Dodd, London Art Fair", Business Design Centre, Islington, London
  • 21st Sep to 3rd Oct 2020 - "The Art of Richard Eurich", Waterhouse & Dodd, London


  • 2021 - WITH
    Waterhouse & Dodd


Strange Nativity (1948)

Image © unknown

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