Oil on canvas 61 x 81 cm
Whereabouts unknown
Patrons | Cicely Marchant Works | 1930 to 1939 No Photo Available Ships | Boats | Harbours | Ports
Recto: Signed and dated lower right 1932
"Goupil Summer Salon" - The French Gallery, 11 Berkeley Square, London
Cat 14; priced at £20
bought by Cecile Marchant, director of the Goupil Gallery, along with 'Old Walls Lyme' for her private collection for £15
Cartwright Memorial Hall, Bradford
"[title unknown]" - Christie's, London
Lot 215; bought in
"[title unknown]", Christie's, South Kensington, London
Lot 8; illustrated
If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.
Old Walls, Lyme (1932) bought with Portland Harbour by Mrs C Marchant Image © Richard Eurich Paintings
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