Wreck on Chesil Beach

Wreck on Chesil Beach


Whereabouts unknown

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Aka: Wreck on Chesil Beach [REP]; Wreck on Chesil Beach [Redfern 1935]; Coastal Scene with a Beached Ship

Chesil Beach Dorset England The South West Weymouth aground beached

It has been suggested that painting above might be the same as The Wreck of the Madeleine Tristan, Chesil Beach (1934). However, 'The Wreck of the “Madeleine Tristan' is listed as Cat 12 in the March 1935 Redfern Gallery exhibition catalogue and 'Wreck on Chesil Beach' is listed as Cat 26. We have no photo for Cat 26 so we have to wait until one turns up to find out if it is a different painting of the same scene or not.


EXHIBITED | 28th Feb to 30th Mar 1935

"Richard Eurich" - Redfern Gallery, London

Cat 26; priced at 22 Guineas


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  • None recorded.


  • 28th Feb to 30th Mar 1935 - "Richard Eurich", Redfern Gallery, London
    Cat 26; priced at 22 Guineas


  • None recorded.

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