Adam and Eve (1988)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings

Adam and Eve


Pencil on paper on board
37 x 44 cm

Estate Collection

More details...

Recto: Signed and dated twice bottom right, once faintly and again more clearly : R. Eurich 1988

Verso: Inscribed " Adam and Eve Richard Eurich 1988" , Mall Galleries label date 1990, Fine Art Society label dated 03.20.90 with ref E329, and Alresford Gallery label

Cat: REP0274

arm in arm back view ferns figures man naked figure without clothes women woman female



"[exhibition title unknown]" - The Fine Art Society, London

possibly included

EXHIBITED | 16th to 26th Nov 1990

"New English Art Club 143rd Exhibition (Winter)" - The Mall Galleries, The Mall, London

Cat 193; priced at £2200

EXHIBITED | 17th Aug to 3rd Sep 1996

"An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Richard Eurich OBE RA 1903-1992" - The Alresford Gallery, Alresford, Hampshire

Cat 34; priced at £1000

EXHIBITED | 8th to 29th Mar 2003

"RE-Discovered, a centenary celebration show of paintings and drawings by RICHARD EURICH OBE RA (1903 - 1992)" - The First Gallery, Southampton

Cat 43; priced at £1300


Estate Collection


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 2024 - Estate Collection


  • 1990 - "[exhibition title unknown]", The Fine Art Society, London
    possibly included
  • 16th to 26th Nov 1990 - "New English Art Club 143rd Exhibition (Winter)", The Mall Galleries, The Mall, London
    Cat 193; priced at £2200
  • 17th Aug to 3rd Sep 1996 - "An Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Richard Eurich OBE RA 1903-1992", The Alresford Gallery, Alresford, Hampshire
    Cat 34; priced at £1000
  • 8th to 29th Mar 2003 - "RE-Discovered, a centenary celebration show of paintings and drawings by RICHARD EURICH OBE RA (1903 - 1992)", The First Gallery, Southampton
    Cat 43; priced at £1300


  • None recorded.

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