c1960 or earlier
Whereabouts unknown
Seascapes | Coastal Scenes Works | 1960 to 1969 No Photo Available All Works in NEAC Exhibitions 1927 to 1992
There are many other works by Richard titled Seascape. It makes the attribution of images to works difficult, especially when there are no dimensions to compare works with:
c1933 (no image), 1952 (no image), c1953 (no image), c1960 (no image), c1962 (no image), c1966 (no image), 1977, c1978 (no image), 1979, 1979, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983 (no image), 1984 (no image), 1989, 1991 (oil, no image), 1991 (drawing)
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