Oil on panel
27 x 20.6 cm
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford District Museums and Galleries
All Works in Public Collections Self Portraits Works | 1930 to 1939 The Art of Richard Eurich Portraits
Recto: Signed and dated upper right: R. EURICH 1938
Aka: Self Portrait with Pipe [Redfern 1942]; Self Portrait with a Pipe [Bradford]; Portrait of the Artist [Redfern 1938]
Verso: Inscribed on panel 'Self Portrait Richard Eurich No 9'; Redfern Gallery purchase label, dated May 1942, with purchaser recorded as J.B. Priestley Esq.; Bradford Art Galleries and Museums label from the Richard Eurich Retrospective exhibition with title as 'Self Portrait with a Pipe'
Other measurements: 27 x 20.6 cm [Bradford]; 26 x 21 cm [REP]
Bradford Art Gallery Bradford Museums and Galleries Cartwright Hall Art Gallery direct gaze glasses man pipe portrait self-portrait smokingRichard did very few self portraits so we are going to assume that the 'Self Portrait with Pipe' (1938) [Redfern 1942] is the same work as 'Portrait of the Artist' (1938) [Redfern 1938]. It seems unlikely that he did two that year, but there is some chance this merging of entries is incorrect.
There is a record from a Cartwright Hall Gallery, Bradford catalogue that lists "Self Portrait with a Pipe" as Cat 9 in a 1942 Redfern Gallery show, from which JB Priestly probably bought the painting. We have no hard record of this show, only of the Redfern Summer Show in that year. The self portrait is not listed in the Summer Show catalogue. We are going to assume for now that there must have been another exhibition at the Redfern earlier in 1942 which showed some of Richard's paintings.
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