51 x 61 cm
Unknown collection (see timeline)
Animals | Birds Works | 1940 to 1949 No Photo Available Weather | Storm | Wind | Rain | Snow | Mist | Fog Weather | Storm | Wind | Rain | Snow | Mist | Fog
Aka: Winter Landscape [Redfern]; Early Snow in the Forest [RE diary]; Animals in the Snow [RE diary]
22 February 1948
Walk with Grock in the snow: Having observed the remarkable camouflage of animals in snow in patches, and having watched Mr Crouch’s cows in the heather and gorse, I decided to have a quick go at a picture of such, so started a 20x24 but did not get as far as I had hoped owing to bad light.12 March 1948
Painting again on ‘animals in the snow’.19 March 1949
Rang up the Redfern to find out how things were going. Only the ‘animals in the snow’ has been sold since opening day [March 8th].
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