EXHIBITION | 8th Mar to 2nd Apr 1949

Richard Eurich, Walter Goetz, Frances Richards

Redfern Gallery, London

Sole artist

Many of the paintings in this exhibition are today seen as iconic examples of Richard's work, but the review below was not so enthusiastic.

"RICHARD EURICH, in his new exhibition at the Redfern Gallery, seems a little ill at ease. Having forged a technique of skilful and delicate assurance, he appears not altogether certain what to do with it. One senses a somewhat forced search for subjects. With a flick and a scumble he can put the foam on a heaving sea, but the application of such faultless and effortless technical competence to a contrived version of Jonah and the Whale seems unworthy of the accomplishment. Neither fact nor fancy here has the authentic ring - neither the stodgy King's College Chapel, Cambridge, nor the Walpurgisnacht of the scarecrows. The loving precision of the Herzogin Cecilie has been superseded by near-sentimentality and a somewhat flaccid rusticity. The painter is not, one feels, engaged. Eurich is a reporter, not a novelist. But the grand occasion is necessary to fill the sails of his imagination, the impossible problem necessary to extend his powers full-stretch. To both of these, as we know, he can rise superbly."
The Spectator magazine, 18 March 1949, review by M. H. Middleton

33 works exhibited: