Breakwaters, Lepe (1989)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings

Breakwaters, Lepe



EXHIBITED | 9th Jun to 19th Aug 1990

"Summer Exhibition 1990" - Royal Academy of Arts, London

Cat 67

EXHIBITED | 14th Oct to 8th Nov 1991

"Richard Eurich: Paintings Since the War" - The Fine Art Society, London

Cat 47

EXHIBITED | 8th to 29th Mar 2003

"RE-Discovered, a centenary celebration show of paintings and drawings by RICHARD EURICH OBE RA (1903 - 1992)" - The First Gallery, Southampton

Cat 17

EXHIBITED | 20th Mar to 29th May 2004

"Sea Change - Paintings by Richard Eurich in War and Peace" - St. Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington

EXHIBITED | 20th Mar to 19th Apr 2013

"A Critic's Choice 1950-2000" - Browse & Darby Gallery, London

Cat 45; priced at £8000


Estate Collection


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 2018 - Estate Collection


  • 9th Jun to 19th Aug 1990 - "Summer Exhibition 1990", Royal Academy of Arts, London
    Cat 67
  • 14th Oct to 8th Nov 1991 - "Richard Eurich: Paintings Since the War", The Fine Art Society, London
    Cat 47
  • 8th to 29th Mar 2003 - "RE-Discovered, a centenary celebration show of paintings and drawings by RICHARD EURICH OBE RA (1903 - 1992)", The First Gallery, Southampton
    Cat 17
  • 20th Mar to 29th May 2004 - "Sea Change - Paintings by Richard Eurich in War and Peace", St. Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington
  • 20th Mar to 19th Apr 2013 - "A Critic's Choice 1950-2000", Browse & Darby Gallery, London
    Cat 45; priced at £8000


  • None recorded.


Breakwaters (1988)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings/Hampshire Cultural Trust

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