Fishing Party (1991)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings

Fishing Party


Oil on board
61 x 75 cm

With Waterhouse & Dodd (as of June 2024)

More details...

Recto: Signed lower right: R. Eurich; dated lower left:’91

Verso: Inscribed "FISH P. 1991; Royal Acadamy label

Cat: REP0028

England Hampshire The Solent The South black boots child ethnic family figures fishing rods man men reel scarf wellington's white sails women woman female

Some years ago I didn't rate this picture very highly. But now I find it full of an intensity and strangeness that fascinates me. I think it shows Dad's debt to Cézanne. [PB]


EXHIBITED | 7th Jun to 16th Aug 1992

"Summer Exhibition 1992" - Royal Academy of Art, London

Cat 1151; priced at £6500

EXHIBITED | 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013

"A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich" - The First Gallery, Southampton

Cat 34

EXHIBITED | 6th to 22nd Dec 2022

"25 Paintings by Richard Eurich RA, 1903-1992" - Waterhouse & Dodd, London

Cat 1


Estate Collection

WITH | June 2024

Waterhouse & Dodd


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 2024 - Estate Collection


  • 7th Jun to 16th Aug 1992 - "Summer Exhibition 1992", Royal Academy of Art, London
    Cat 1151; priced at £6500
  • 29th Jun to 28th Jul 2013 - "A Gathered Radiance, Late and Early Drawings and Paintings by Richard Eurich", The First Gallery, Southampton
    Cat 34
  • 6th to 22nd Dec 2022 - "25 Paintings by Richard Eurich RA, 1903-1992", Waterhouse & Dodd, London
    Cat 1


  • June 2024 - WITH
    Waterhouse & Dodd


Image © Hindman Auctions


The Fisherman (1976)

Image © Bonhams


Fisher on the Beach (1980)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Stony Beach with Fishers (1980)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Fishing at Whitby (c1923)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Boys Fishing (1977)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


The Fisher (1983-85)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Fishers on the Beach (1988)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings

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