Oil on panel [REP, 2015]
85 x 130 cm
Private Collection, UK
Works | 1970 to 1979 Seascapes | Coastal Scenes Ships | Boats | Harbours | Ports Hidden Subjects Lepe Beach and The Solent
Recto: Signed, inscribed and dated lower right: Lepe 6.45 am 28 June 1977 R. Eurich.
Verso: Signed and dated indistinctly: R. Eurich 1977
Other measurements: 85 x 130 cm [REP 2016]; 85 x 129.5 cm [Southampton, 1994]; 34 x 51½ is, 86.4 x 130.8 cms [Christie’s]
England Gilkicker Point Hampshire Spithead The Solent cloudy cruise liner dawn grey day grey sky horizon liner oil tanker passenger ship ships tankersDoes this page contain inaccurate or missing information that you could help us with, or do you simply want to leave a comment?