Bottle on a Beach (1976)
Photo: Paul Carter      
© Richard Eurich Paintings

Bottle on a Beach


Oil on board
51.5 x 76 cm


More details...

Recto: Signed and dated lower left: R. Eurich. ’76

Aka: Bottle on a Beach [Christie’s, and Bridgeman Art Library]; Bottle on the Beach [Fine Art Society]

Verso: Inscribed "BOTTLE ON A BEACH, RICHARD EURICH, 1976" , collection label no P7182, Fine Art Society label dated June 1994 no 13429

Other measurements: 51.5 X 76 cm [artist's estate], 50.8 x 76.2 cm [unknown]

beach cairn calm cloud cork corporate collection glass holes horizon overcast sea shells ships sky smoke smooth still life stones surreal surrealist worn

This still life set out on a beach is one of at least ten similar works done between 1934 and 1990.


EXHIBITED | September 1984

"Paintings by Richard Eurich" - Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield

Cat 13

EXHIBITED | 1st to 25th Feb 1994

"A Tribute to Richard Eurich" - The Fine Art Society, London

Cat 6; priced at £5500

AUCTIONED | 1st Mar 2000

"Twentieth Century British Art, including a Collection of Works by Harry Morley, A.R.A.", Christie’s, South Kensington, London

lot 226; illustrated (cover)




If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • AUCTIONED - 1st Mar 2000 - "Twentieth Century British Art, including a Collection of Works by Harry Morley, A.R.A.", Christie’s, South Kensington, London
    lot 226; illustrated (cover)
  • IN COLLECTION - 2018 - ING, UK


  • September 1984 - "Paintings by Richard Eurich", Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield
    Cat 13
  • 1st to 25th Feb 1994 - "A Tribute to Richard Eurich", The Fine Art Society, London
    Cat 6; priced at £5500


  • None recorded.


Shells on a Beach (1934)

Image © Dreweatts 1759


Candle on the Beach (1976)

Image © The Collector


Silver Cup on the Shore (1977)

Image © Doyle Auctions


Sleeping Pebble (1981)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Shells (1990)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Stony Beach (1976)

Image © Bruton Gallery


The Shell (1984)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings

Does this page contain inaccurate or missing information that you could help us with, or do you simply want to leave a comment?


  • Portrait of the Artist, Richard Eurich (Lambeth, Andrew, The Artists and Illustrators Magazine, December 1989) [p 27]