Oil on canvas board
24.5 x 34.5 cm
Private Collection, UK
Umbrellas | Hats Animals | Birds Paintings for Children Narrative Works | 1940 to 1949 Landscapes | Gardens The Art of Richard Eurich
Recto: Signed lower right: R Eurich.
Aka: Catching the Pony; Chasing the Pony
Verso: Redfern Gallery label with title "Catching the Pony" and purchaser as "The Hertfordshire Education Committee."
Other measurements: 24.50 x 34.50 cm [Cheffins]
baby building bushes children dog figures gate halter hat hedges house lead pony running stone wall toys women woman female youthsThis work was first shown in Richard's 'Paintings for Children' exhibition at the Redfern Gallery in April 1945. There is a Redfern label on the back which is dated April 1st 194_. The last digit is obscured, but since 'Paintings for Children' took place in April, the year is probably 1945.
The label confirms that the painting was sold to the Hertfordshire Education Committee. However, this is not the buyer noted in Richard's sales diary. He wrote that Col. Beddington, a director at the art dealers Wildensteins, had bought it. Can anyone explain this contradiction?
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