The Mariner's Return (1953)
Photo: Royal Academy of Arts      
© Royal Academy of Arts

The Mariner's Return


Richard submitted this painting as a Royal Academy Diploma Work.


EXHIBITED | 1st May to 15th Aug 1954

"Summer Exhibition 1954" - Royal Academy of Arts, London

Cat 613; diploma work; accession number 03/603


"[exhibition title unknown]", Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, Bournemouth

Cat 21

EXHIBITED | 25th Nov 1979 to 20th Jan 1980

"Richard Eurich, RA - A Retrospective Exhibition" - Cartwright Hall Gallery, Bradford District Museums and Galleries, Bradford    (toured Glasgow, London, Southampton)

Cat 51

EXHIBITED | 24th Apr to 26th Jun 1982

"RA Diploma Works, 1921-1981", Leicester Museums & Art Gallery, Leicester

EXHIBITED | 1989 to 1990

"Faces of Britain", British Council, [location unknown]

toured China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, & Hong Kong

EXHIBITED | 28th Jan to 13th Mar 1994

"The Edge of all the Land: Richard Eurich 1903-1992" - Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton    (toured to Manchester, Bradford, Ipswich)

Cat 51

EXHIBITED | June 2006

"[exhibition title unknown]" - Reynolds Room, The Fine Rooms, Royal Academy, London


Royal Academy of Arts, London


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • IN COLLECTION - 2018 - Royal Academy of Arts, London


  • 1st May to 15th Aug 1954 - "Summer Exhibition 1954", Royal Academy of Arts, London
    Cat 613; diploma work; accession number 03/603
  • 1965 - "[exhibition title unknown]", Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, Bournemouth
    Cat 21
  • 25th Nov 1979 to 20th Jan 1980 - "Richard Eurich, RA - A Retrospective Exhibition", Cartwright Hall Gallery, Bradford District Museums and Galleries, Bradford    (toured Glasgow, London, Southampton)
    Cat 51
  • 24th Apr to 26th Jun 1982 - "RA Diploma Works, 1921-1981", Leicester Museums & Art Gallery, Leicester
  • 1989 to 1990 - "Faces of Britain", British Council, [location unknown]
    toured China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, & Hong Kong
  • 28th Jan to 13th Mar 1994 - "The Edge of all the Land: Richard Eurich 1903-1992", Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton    (toured to Manchester, Bradford, Ipswich)
    Cat 51
  • June 2006 - "[exhibition title unknown]", Reynolds Room, The Fine Rooms, Royal Academy, London


  • None recorded.

Does this page contain inaccurate or missing information that you could help us with, or do you simply want to leave a comment?


I saw this painting in the Royal Academy yesterday, and was fascinated by it. I wasn't aware of this great artist before then! Thanks for setting this website up, as it seems to be the best place to see RE's work - I'd love to see a book of reproductions.


  • Art UK []
  • “Richard Eurich (1903-1992) Visionary Artist” (Edward Chaney and Christine Clearkin (contributions by James Hyman, David McCann and Peyton Skipwith), pub. 2003: Paul Holberton Publishing, ISBN 1903470110) [Figure 17 in catalogue, not exhibited]
  • "An eye for detail" (by Frances Spalding, pub. The Independent Magazine, 26 March 1994) [p3]
  • RA [link]