Light Coastal Forces Blow Up An Enemy Merchantman (1943)
Photo: Beaverbrook Collection of War Art, Canadian War Museum      
© Canadian War Museum

Light Coastal Forces Blow Up An Enemy Merchantman


9th July 1943: Started painting of German merchant vessel on fire off Dutch coast (30x40) “It may prove rather exciting.”



by the Admiralty / War Artists' Advisory Committee

GIFTED | 1946

Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada

by the British War Artists Advisory Committee, accession no. 19710261-6082

EXHIBITED | 8th May to 25th Sep 2005

"Shared Experience: Art and War" - Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada

EXHIBITED | 4th Nov 2005 to 27th Feb 2006

"Shared Experience: Art and War" - Australian War Memorial, SEG, Canberra, Australia

EXHIBITED | 23rd Mar to 25th Jun 2006

"Shared Experience: Art and War" - Imperial War Museum, London, UK


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • COMMISSIONED - 1943 - by the Admiralty / War Artists' Advisory Committee
  • GIFTED - 1946 - Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada
    by the British War Artists Advisory Committee, accession no. 19710261-6082


  • 8th May to 25th Sep 2005 - "Shared Experience: Art and War", Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Canada
  • 4th Nov 2005 to 27th Feb 2006 - "Shared Experience: Art and War", Australian War Memorial, SEG, Canberra, Australia
  • 23rd Mar to 25th Jun 2006 - "Shared Experience: Art and War", Imperial War Museum, London, UK


  • None recorded.

Does this page contain inaccurate or missing information that you could help us with, or do you simply want to leave a comment?


  • Bridgeman Images [Art and media image library] [view image]
  • Canadian War Museum [collection record]
  • Canadian History Workshop [blog]
  • Illustrated London News [11 March 1944]