The Return (c1952)
Photo: from RE photo album      

The Return


'The Return' was among the top favourite paintings chosen by children, especially the boys, who visited the 'Pictures for Schools' exhibition in 1954.

One boy commented (presumably when the picture arrived at the school that bought it), "We recently had delivered to the School a number of original paintings by professional artists. My favourite one is called 'The Return', and it was painted by a fellow called Richard Eurich. I think he has worked tremendously hard for he has filled in every possible detail."


EXHIBITED | 5th to 28th Jun 1952

"Richard Eurich - Paintings on Small Panels" - Redfern Gallery, London

Cat 121

EXHIBITED | 8th May to 16th Aug 1954

"Pictures for Schools (S.E.A.)" - [multiple venues], [multiple locations]

Cat 11


bought by Hull Education Committee for £45

LOST | 2020

Hull have no record of still owning this work


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • ACQUIRED - 1954 - bought by Hull Education Committee for £45


  • 5th to 28th Jun 1952 - "Richard Eurich - Paintings on Small Panels", Redfern Gallery, London
    Cat 121
  • 8th May to 16th Aug 1954 - "Pictures for Schools (S.E.A.)", [multiple venues], [multiple locations]
    Cat 11


  • 2020 - LOST
    Hull have no record of still owning this work

Does this page contain inaccurate or missing information that you could help us with, or do you simply want to leave a comment?


  • Pictures for Schools, The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1954