Watchers on a Beach (1971)
Photo: courtesy of Christie's      
© 2005 Christie's Images Limited

Watchers on a Beach


RE enjoyed observing the activities of people on the beach, here creating a narrative with the crowd of little figures massed on the shoreline all intently observing something going on out at sea. In the present view there is no indication of what event is being watched, the title of the painting is intentionally ambiguous. In The Rescue, (1971-74, Government Art Collection) a line of observers stand on the seashore watching a lifeboat speeding to the aid of a sinking tanker.

Original source uncertain. Provided by the collector.

This strange painting is pregnant with expectation. Most of it is a study in emptiness while the other portion is crowded with characters of all sorts. The picture gives me a very intense feeling as if, in his late 60s, Dad was reviewing his own life and all his experiences in a similar but different way from Queen of the Sea which he did in his 50s. Here is depicted all the activity and colourful people that filled his imagination but the pull of the empty sea and sky expresses his inmost soul. I find the fact that this could …

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This strange painting is pregnant with expectation. Most of it is a study in emptiness while the other portion is crowded with characters of all sorts. The picture gives me a very intense feeling as if, in his late 60s, Dad was reviewing his own life and all his experiences in a similar but different way from Queen of the Sea which he did in his 50s. Here is depicted all the activity and colourful people that filled his imagination but the pull of the empty sea and sky expresses his inmost soul. I find the fact that this could be being observed by so many as he drifts away into his own self a very moving image.


EXHIBITED | 29th Apr to 23rd Jul 1972

"Summer Exhibition 1972" - Royal Academy of Arts, London

Cat 944

EXHIBITED | September 1975

"[exhibition title unknown]" - Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield, Hampshire

EXHIBITED | 26th Apr to 20th May 1977

"Richard Eurich RA" - The Fine Art Society, London    (toured to Fine Art Society, Edinburgh, 28 May-21 June 1977)

Cat 26

EXHIBITED | 4th to 18th Sep 1982

"Beaches, Breezes and Boats – an Exhibition of Paintings by Richard Eurich R.A." - Salisbury Divisional Library, Wiltshire

Cat 21

EXHIBITED | September 1984

"Paintings by Richard Eurich" - Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield

Cat 2


bought by private collector from The Fine Art Society for £1800

AUCTIONED | 18th Nov 2005

"20th Century British Art including Anderson Collection" - Christie's, London

lot 3, illustrated; price realised £14,400


Private Collection, UK


If you can help add to this timeline, please get in touch below.


  • ACQUIRED - 1984 - bought by private collector from The Fine Art Society for £1800
  • AUCTIONED - 18th Nov 2005 - "20th Century British Art including Anderson Collection", Christie's, London
    lot 3, illustrated; price realised £14,400
  • IN COLLECTION - 2018 - Private Collection, UK


  • 29th Apr to 23rd Jul 1972 - "Summer Exhibition 1972", Royal Academy of Arts, London
    Cat 944
  • September 1975 - "[exhibition title unknown]", Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield, Hampshire
  • 26th Apr to 20th May 1977 - "Richard Eurich RA", The Fine Art Society, London    (toured to Fine Art Society, Edinburgh, 28 May-21 June 1977)
    Cat 26
  • 4th to 18th Sep 1982 - "Beaches, Breezes and Boats – an Exhibition of Paintings by Richard Eurich R.A.", Salisbury Divisional Library, Wiltshire
    Cat 21
  • September 1984 - "Paintings by Richard Eurich", Ash Barn Gallery, Petersfield
    Cat 2


  • None recorded.


Detail of the crowd.

Detail of the crowd.
Image © 2005 Christie's Images Limited


Beach with Bathers (1969)

Image © Tate


A Beach (1973)

Image © The Collector


more crowded beaches

Beach Scene (1951)
more crowded beaches
Image © the Collector (2024)


Beach Carnival (1981)

Image © Richard Eurich Paintings


Near Seaview, Isle of Wight (1962)

Image © collector

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